Pledge Cards

Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the Kingdom, O Lord, and thou art exalted as Head above all. All things come of thee, O Lord, and of thine own have we given thee.

Pledge cards are due this month. Please help us budget, by pledging a tithe. No amount is too small!

See Dan+, Miki, or Dee to get a card or to return one.

This Week @ St. Andrew's

  • Tuesday: 11a (Food Pantry Open & Sandwich Making for Homeless Friends)
  • Wednesday: 12p Mass & 5:30p Evening Prayer w/ @christouranchor
  • Thursday: 10a Mass at Windland’s South; 1p Food Pantry Open
  • Friday: 10a Confession; 2p Richland Place Bible Study
  • Saturday: 10a Fellowship Hall Cleaning & Work Day
  • Sunday: Annual Meeting after 10:30a Mass


This Sunday, 2/16, after the 10:30a Mass.

Brunch will be provided.

Our new hymnals and prayer books are stocked in the pews. So thankful!

This Week @ St. Andrews

  • Tuesday: 11a (Food Pantry Open & Sandwich Making for Homeless Friends)
  • Wednesday: 12p Mass & 5:30p Mass w/ @christouranchor
  • Thursday: 10a Mass at Windland’s South; 1p Food Pantry Open
  • Friday: 10a Confession; 2p Richland Place Bible Study
  • Saturday: 10a Homeless Outreach

Nota Bene: The all-parish meeting has been moved to 2/16 after Mass.

BLESSED Lord, in whose sight the death of thy saints is precious; We magnifie thy name for that abundant grace bestowed upon our late Martyred Soveraign; by which he was enabled so chearfully to follow the steps of his blessed Master and Saviour, in a constant meek suffering of all barbarous indignities, and at last resisting unto bloud; and even then, according to the same pattern, praying for his murderers. Let his memory, O Lord, be ever blessed among us, that we may follow the example of his patience, and charity. And grant, that this our Land may be freed from the vengeance of his bloud, and thy mercy glorified in the forgiveness of our sins: and all for Jesus Christ his sake. Amen.

This Week @ St. Andrews

  • Tue, 11a: Sandwich Making for Homeless Outreach
  • Wed, 12p (Mass) & 5:30p (Mass)
  • Thur, 10a: Mass at Windland’s South; 1p Food Pantry Open
  • Fri, 10a: Confession; 2p Bible Study at Richland Place
  • Sat, 10a: Homeless Outreach
  • Sun: Candlemas (Bring Candles for Blessing); 11:45a Sunday School